Diffusione Tessile

Diffusione Tessile was founded in 1996 and is one of the most influential outlets in the high-end women’s clothing market. Textile Diffusion’s values include innovation and customer care. These principles have driven the company to invest resources in process efficiency and diversify customer services. Diffusione Tessile S.r.l., a part of Max Mara Fashion Group, manages surplus items from the Group’s Brands, textile surpluses, and own production items branded Intrend. (Intrend is a brand distributed by Diffusione Tessile s.r.l).

The management has enhanced stock management and product tracking along the distribution chain by introducing RFID technology. They have also digitized the product catalog, redesigned the e-commerce website, improved the CRM system linked to data collection projects, and developed a sales and stock management app to support sales personnel.


From Concept to Reality: M-Cube’s Creative Solutions for Diffusione Tessile

Since 2017, Diffusione Tessile has turned its attention to the physical stores with an omnichannel experience approach.

By taking advantage of digital technologies, Diffusione Tessile aimed at:

  • Improving in-store communication through Digital Signage.
  • Improving the shopping experience through a number of added value services.
  • Improving the sales support tools available to the staff.

M-Cube was involved from the beginning  in the brainstorming process. By using creativity to shape the new services, and digital technology as a means to engagement and relationship, the development team has created a highly integrated system of communication and customer assistance.


Informing and Engaging: The Strategic Placement of Digital Displays in Retail Spaces

The concept revolves around digital contact points enhancing the in-store customer journey with dynamic content conveying information, promotions, and calls to action efficiently.

Wayfinder facilitates navigation in large stores, aiding customers in finding their way around.

Digital Mirror serves as both a mirror and a Digital Signage solution, showcasing new collections and available items.

Horizontal Double Displays and 55” vertical screens are strategically placed in the space layout. They inform customers of the initiatives and customer care services available in the store, as well as the improved features of the e-commerce site. The 55” monitors have also other customer service functions;

At the Size-point, customers can check the availability of desired item sizes. This innovation allows customers to continue shopping while waiting to collect their items. Customers receive a wristband with a number that appears on all 55” displays throughout the shop. When the number changes from red to green the item is ready to be collected.

Through an app developed by Diffusione Tessile, sales staff can access the CRM system from the tablet. They view the buying history of the customer, access the stock manager, and the digital catalogue of all products. Based on the customer’s preferred style, staff suggest a selection of articles. Customers can share images from the tablet with any of the 55” screens present in the store. Full-size high-definition images enhance article presentation. Customers can purchase directly through the tablet. If items are unavailable, delivery at home or in the shop can be arranged.

Enhancing In-Store Experience: The Power of Customized Digital Solutions

Interactivity, customization and indoor engagement, achieved through the use of customized digital solutions, help make the customer experience more fluid and the customer-brand relationship gets many benefits.

We had lots of ideas to make life inside our stores more pleasant, but it was difficult to put them into effect. The contribution of M-Cube has been fundamental: they not only brainstormed and developed the new projects with us, but they guarantee us assistance for the hardware maintenance, and for the definition of the contents.The positive experience in Genoa has convinced the management to extend the investments to all our stores network, and to start on new projects. M-Cube has proved to be the ideal partner, following all aspects of the project.

Edoardo Testi, Stock & Web Commercial Manager