The Gallery

The gallery was a space that wanted to be redeveloped. We are in Florence, particularly in the pedestrian crossing located between Santa Maria Novella and the Duomo Cathedral. As the title of the book by the writer and philosopher Vincenzo Cocivera tells us, it was due the “Diritto ad altre vite” (ENG: Right to other lives) This new life had to be special, it had to be made unforgettable, for a few moments, even the life of passers-by who passed there accidentally or deliberately.


The Gallery: new immersive project in the historic center of Florence

Our client’s request granted us the freedom to transform the project into a distinctive and immersive digital experience. The pedestrian crossing has turned into a unique digital immersive experience: a 25 metres long, 400 LED module on a surface of 200 sqm with 30 millions of pixels.

But what makes this exhibition unique is its powerful content, which engages and emotionally connects with visitors.

The content, communicated in such an immersive and strong form, becomes everything that remains impressed in the mind of the visitor. It is the most direct and powerful way to convey the values of a brand. It’s as if a “great whale of value” swallows visitors and takes them to another world, the world of the power of brand content.


The Technological Challenge

As we know, Digital Signage systems engage, entertain, and communicate powerful messages to customers. Content drives digital signage solutions, and we must handle content carefully to ensure it is seen at the right time. Here, the technological challenge was how to display the powerful content on such a big installation with a non-conventional shape.

The solution? DXP One, the Digital Experience Platform developed by us.

It’s more than just a Content Management System. DXP One allows us to create perfect content synchronization, ensuring the “wow” effect. DXP One is designed to meet the specific needs of digital signage campaigns. It allows retailers to design the perfect digital customer experiences on different digital touchpoints. For its ease of management and the immersive effect it generates, this technology is perfect for brands to communicate their values and convey important messages.

“The Gallery” catapults visitors into another dimension. It transports them first to an ocean floor, then into space, and finally into the value world of a brand. The project is perfect for media retail. This solution is optimal for brands to convey powerful messages, from major international launches to more traditional communication of products and services. It helps brands get in touch with people’s emotions.


With this new life of “The Gallery”, Florence, a wonderful Renaissance city, gives its visitors a new form of connection, transporting them to another dimension. Projects like this help us get closer to our vision. We are glad to have the opportunity to create an engaging immersive experience in one of the most amazing location. Our vision is to connect brands with the customers by creating a digital immersive experience. 

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