
Sportscheck is a well-established German brand with a great presence in the world of sports and outdoor retail. Founded in 1946, Sportscheck has become associated with quality, innovation, and a passion for an active lifestyle. 

SportScheck has over 30 stores in Germany. It counts more than 50 million visits per year to the online shop. The branches receive about 10 million visitors and there are more than 2 million active customers. There is also an online store in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The range includes more than 50,000 items from over 500 brands


SportScheck: Pioneering Retail Excellence through Immersive Store Experiences

As a leading retailer, SportScheck offers a comprehensive range of sports and outdoor equipment, apparel, and accessories. 

They wanted to transport the same determination and dynamism conveyed by the brand’s products to various stores. This was to create a real link between the product and the store.

SportScheck stores are designed to create an immersive and inspiring environment for sports enthusiasts. The spacious layouts, vibrant displays, and well-organized sections make it easy to navigate through the store. Customers can easily discover the perfect gear for their chosen activity.


SportScheck’s Vision for Experiential Shopping

Sportscheck’s new flagship store in Stuttgart is a testament to the brand’s commitment to innovation, experiential retail, and creating an immersive shopping environment.

As Matthias Rucker, the CEO of Sportscheck, says, the future retail store concept is an important milestone for us on our way to become a sports experience brand. The focus is on three pillars in particular: events, services and advices. The idea was to create a separate world of experience on four floors, on each floor, which claims to actually be the best specialist in town. They put a lot of emphasis on emotionalization, on staging services and communities. Markus Waelde, the creative director of SportScheck, adds that they aimed to develop a salable, modular concept rather than setting up stand-alone solutions. This concept could be later rolled out throughout Germany.

The digital technologies, especially with regard to large screens, were primarily about emotionalization. However, the main focus was on improving the shopping experience of the customer. This means that technology is not an end in itself but should support the shopping experience in an unobtrusive way. This could be through lift and learn or place and learn technology. Basically, SportScheck group conducted market research and a target customer analysis. They then used the customer perspective to consider how to ideally implement the SportScheck vision in Stuttgart.

How to achieve all this? with a partner! Our cohesion with the brand has allowed us to immediately understand their vision, assisting them in the best way in the realization of their project. 


Digital Experiences for Enhanced Customer Engagement

We supported the brand by creating an engaging and interactive customer digital experience, with innovative technologies, interactive displays, and experiential zones that allow customers to test and experience the products firsthand. We have provided lift and learn, place and learn, and all the things that simply improve the shopping experience of the customer. In this way, the brand creates a direct connection with its customers. This breaks down all border barriers and allows a confidential dialogue between customers and the brand. Thanks to the new in-store space, the brand adapts to the needs of its customers. Customers can discover, browse and try the products by SportScheck, finding those that best suit their requests; this intensifies the relationship and customer satisfaction, which will also benefit the brand. It’s a win-win.

The brand transmits its values to the customers and the customers interact with the brand, discovering and deepening the details on all products with ease and involvement, thus strengthening their relationship. Even the surveys that were conducted by the store employees, have received sensational feedback.

SportScheck has also received extremely good feedback from the industry and its suppliers with whom they also hold many workshops in their Stuttgart store. For example,  an important German magazine for the 22/23 has inserted SportsScheck, with its Stuttgart store, in the 52 most innovative retail formats.